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We need stronger regulations than those passed by our governments.
I urge all College Station residents to contact City Council members and Alan Gibbs, City Engineer and let them know that fracking wells 600 feet from our homes is not OK.
Tell them revised regulations must include, at a minimum, these additional changes:
1. No fracking well within 1,500 feet of any residence (currently 600 feet is allowed), school, hospital, park, or business.
2. Continuous on-site monitoring of air quality and noise to ensure compliance with local, state and federal laws and maximum dB exposures: 55 dB day; 45 dB night with real-time postings to public website.
3. Require vapor recovery on all tanks.
Require that council and staff live up to the Mission statement of College Station City Council:
"On behalf of the citizens of College Station, home of Texas A&M University, the city council will promote and advance the community's quality of life."
We can no longer accept actions recommended by our City employees that put growth and development first, at the expense of our health, air and water quality, natural resources, and keeping our roads and community safe.
There is scientific evidence that those living within 1/2 mile (2,640 feet) of fracking are at risk for increased health problems and I am already suffering several linked to fracking: vomiting white foam, dry heaves, nausea, increased migraines and red eyes. Don't let this happen to your family.
Please submit comments to:
Alan Gibbs, City Engineer [email protected]
The members of College Station City Council:
Mayor Karl Mooney [email protected] 979-200-9748 fax 979-764-6377
Blanche Brick [email protected] 979-764-7287 (home) fax 979-764-6377
Julie Schultz [email protected] 979-200-9745 fax 979-764-6377
JJerome Rektorik [email protected] 979-764-3541 fax 979-764-6377
Linda Harvell [email protected] 979-764-3541 fax 979-764-6377
Barry Moore [email protected] 979-764-3541 fax 979-764-6377
(Additional info on cstx govt at
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